利比亚撤侨时过边境,没护照,唱中国国歌就放行 | 30个最想说“我爱...

tudou_mom 记得在印度出差的时候,每当有人问我来自哪个country,我都会非常自豪地告诉对方:I come from China! Andy 在德国留学,歪果仁都说中国现在发展得很好的时候,觉得真自豪。 杨逍...

「I am from HK China」——我来自中国香港 今年3月,LAFAVEUR芸想首度受邀亮相中国国际时装周,凭「繁花之约」主题大秀留下惊艳一刻。金秋时节,LAFAVEUR芸想再次来到首都北京,发起一场绚...

What will be your suggestion for the political reform in China? HELMUT SCHMIDT: (Joking) Thank God I am not in the place of Xi Jinping! There are too many problems at the same time. On the one hand I think it is astonishing and encouraging that you...

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